Duke Health Sciences Gay-Straight Alliance
The above information was compiled in 2014 after recognizing that the LGBT community can often times go under-represented in clinical education. As a result the DPT GSA created a brief introduction into the importance of understanding who your patient is, and preparing future clinicians for competent interactions with individuals from this community.

The Duke Health Sciences Gay Straight Alliance is a student lead group consisting of LGBT individuals and LGBT allies within Duke University School of Medicine as well as the Duke University School of Nursing. Our membership includes students from all health care professions including: Medical Doctor, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physician Assistants, and Nursing.
The Duke Health Sciences GSA utilizes the strengths of a multifaceted student group in order to address LGBT issues with a cohesive and holistic approach.
Our mission is to provide a supportive environment for LGBTQ students and their allies. We further work to promote the visibility of the LGBTQA community within the School of Medicine and School of Nursing, and enact events that allow our peers to learn about the community and caring for LGBTQ patients.
Please check out our calendar to learn more about past and upcoming events.
For more information, please contact dukegsa@gmail.com or one of our faculty or staff advisors:
"You've got to give them hope"
- Harvey Milk
This document contains some of the information compiled and presented to various faculty leaders throughout the Duke Graduate and Professiona Schools as part of our effort to promote LGBT inclsuive text on applications. Please feel free to visit and sign the hyperlinked petition on the upper left corner of this document!
This resolution was proposed by the Duke DPT GSA, and adopted by the Graduate and Professional Student Council on April 15, 2014.