Duke Health Sciences Gay-Straight Alliance

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We are eager to hear from any student, staff, or faculty members who are interested in our mission. Please click on the link above to receive our emails. Whether you are interested in volunteering to participate in activities, networking, or simply want to join the cause, we welcome all interested individuals!

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Gay Patients
By: Brittney
I am a nurse in an Intensive Care Unit and it hurts my heart when sometimes I have a patient who is gay and others around me are not accepting of this. Co-workers may snicker and say things like – “Oh, that’s his boyfriend?!” I live in a very progressive city, Austin, TX, and still the idea of a man sitting at the bedside of his dying lover is something to laugh about.
Open your eyes people…love is love.
Where Are My Civil Rights?
By: Sheila
Recently my physician suggested I get a mammogram and gave me the phone number of a local program that offers mammograms. I called and spoke with the woman in charge and she said that I would be accepted for a mammogram through their organization and asked to schedule an appointment.
Being the honest person that I am I informed her that I was a transgender woman. After I told her that I was transgender, she informed me that the program does not work with transgender women and that she could not help me. I was in shock. This is a program that gives mammograms… but not to transgender breasts? I have normal 34C breasts with no implants, and they can be affected by cancer just as any genetic woman’s breasts.
I was so upset that I contacted a couple attorneys to inquire if I would have a civil rights case, and they just blew me off and refused to help me. I even called my local American Civil Liberties Union chapter where the man actually tried talking me out of pursuing the matter any further saying he didn’t think it would go anywhere. So, what I’ve been told is that my life does not matter because I am transgender. Who cares if I get cancer and die? This entire matter has really upset me more than I can say. I am an American citizen and deserve equal basic civil rights just as any other American. I wish I knew how to proceed with this matter, because I am will to fight for change.

Visit the "Give A Damn" Campaign
Search the Health Care Equality Index
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Finding LGBT Friendly Faces In the Midst of Fear
By: Unknown
“You have cancer.” It’s 3 of the most terrifying words in the English language. Last year, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of intense blood cancer. I hardly had a few days to digest the news when my doctor sent me to the hospital for the first round of chemotherapy. I had no idea what to expect. I packed an overnight bag with some extra clothes and my phone charger, called a friend to come visit me when she could, and made my way over. After a few minutes in my room, a team of nurses and doctors came in. All the necessary questions were answered, and they started explaining my chemotherapy regimen. Then, the doctor looked at me and said “I see you’re wearing an equality/HRC t-shirt. Are you a homosexual?” I immediately busted out laughing. At this point, I didn’t even know how to react. She asked me why I was laughing, and I responded “You just caught me off guard. I’ve never heard it asked so bluntly. Yes, I’m gay”. The doctor then asked me what the proper way to ask was, since she didn’t want to offend any future patients. I applauded her for that, since I knew that her hospital was LGBT-inclusive. I researched ahead using HRC’s Healthcare Equality index to find which hospitals in my area had enacted policies specific to the LGBT community. It was one of the deciding factors in me choosing where to begin treatment. But then, the best part of my whole treatment experience happened. A nurse that I had never met before inserted an IV and whispered into my ear “Yeah, me too.” It was her way of telling me she was gay. 3 small words started the most terrifying few months of my life. But another 3 small words also gave me immense comfort. I knew that someone there, on that staff, involved in my daily care was on my side. Not just to help me get healthy again, but to encourage me. Someone who knew what it was like to be lesbian or gay. I’m happy to say that I’ve been cancer-free since November. I am also happy to say that nurse has been a part of my life since. She and I have gotten together many times since my hospital stays, and I consider her a good friend. She proved the importance of not only being out in your place of work, but also of providing comfort and care unique to LGBT patients.